


In 1990 in Hong Kong, Peng Xiaolong, a Frenchman of Chinese decent, created Longco, an import and wholesale firm for automobile body tools and materials. At that time, the Chinese automobile market was still regulated and limited to large firms, as it only became possible to obtain a bank loan in 1998. In 2003, the market presented a growth rate of 60%. Despite a more difficult year in 2004, 2005 looks promising, as importation quotas are to be lifted. Longco now lists 1500 products. It has set up a network of resellers that covers the whole of the Chinese territory.


East-West: two different worlds that are having to live and work together more and more. Understanding each other better and learning how to take advantage of each other’s strong points will be the economic and cultural challenge in the years to come.


L’entrée de la Chine dans l’OMC a intensifié l’échange économique entre la Chine et les autres pays et de plus en plus de commer?ants et d’entrepreneurs étrangers, attirés par l’énorme potentialité du marché chinois, viennent en Chine.

蒙山县| 信阳市| 塘沽区| 谷城县| 西乌| 南充市| 富裕县| 宿松县| 苍溪县| 肥东县| 且末县| 会泽县| 徐汇区| 长顺县| 岚皋县| 清原| 平遥县| 城市| 宜黄县| 远安县| 迁安市| 大同市| 海阳市| 临澧县| 台山市| 兴国县| 调兵山市| 东台市| 罗甸县| 洪江市| 九龙县| 望奎县| 隆子县| 怀宁县| 竹溪县| 兴文县| 崇信县| 尉犁县| 蓬莱市| 班戈县| 古丈县|
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